April 3, 2020
Like many businesses and nonprofits, The California Coalition to End Child Marriage has had to pivot our efforts in this time of a global health pandemic. California Coalition to End Child Marriage, convened by Global Hope 365 on September 14, 2019, until recently focused on public speaking, civic engagement, and generally being visible in the world at conferences and events.
What we know for sure is that Child Marriage is still legal in the State of California and we will continue to focus our time and energy on this archaic and abusive practice. We want the voices of the victims to be heard. Since we can’t host public events nor speak at events hosted by partner organizations, we will continue to advocate using digital advocacy strategies. Is it possible that we could reach more people with digital advocacy than in-person events? We are hopeful.
We would like to introduce you to our friend and advocate, Sara Tasneem. Sara has previously advocated on behalf of Child Marriage victims at the California state legislature and is featured in the documentary Knots: A Forced Marriage Story. (When the pandemic is over, we would love to host a screening of Knots in Southern California!)
Sara was forced to marry a much older man as a minor. Her story perfectly illuminates why “parental consent” provisions do not protect minors, in fact, it is quite the opposite. Parental consent laws enable abuse. Please click here to watch a short but poignant interview with Sara.
May we continue to advocate for the world we want to live in. Global Hope 365 and the California Coalition will continue to give voices to the women who have suffered the abuse of child marriage.